Friday, May 31, 2013

5/31/13 - Day 4 Post Project

So, I'm actually writing this at 4:00 AM on Friday morning, but I haven't been to bed yet.  It's been a busy week.  Not only is Taylor's dance recital on Saturday, but she had stage rehearsal on Thursday night and I'm in the middle of pre-pledge drive.  (Pledge starts Saturday too!)

Anyway, I'm going to make this short and sweet and then go to bed, I'm warn out!

Wednesday I took the kids to church and walked around the track.  Even with school out it was kind of busy.  Here's a far off shot of my walking.  I did 1.21 miles in 24:38 mins.

Thursday(tonight still for me) we had stage rehearsal so I didn't get to walk until later.  I thought Taylor was in bed, and my husband was out watching TV so I decided to walk with Leslie on youtube.  I only walked 11 mins and then tried to do some more zumba...just trying to get the basic steps down.  Then Taylor came in and was like, "I thought we were going to walk it out."  So I got to a stopping point and went in there and walked some more.  Get this, before I knew it we were at 44 mins.  According to the game we walked 2.5 miles!  I am worn out!  And with that said I'm heading to bed.  Here are a few videos of Taylor's rehearsal tonight.

Jazz Hot - Tap routine - In this one she's like 2nd from the back.
Sail - Lyrical - In this one she comes out from the left walking behind the 2 girls crawling.
Shark Tails - Tap - This was after 1 week of camp.  She wanted to try it and see if she liked it.  She was 8 yo.  She's the one in the pink. Look how far she's come...where did my baby go?

Night All!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I've started... I've got to continue.

5/29 - Day 2 Post PACE Study

So Sunday ended the PACE study.  I forgot to take a picture of the sheet for last week but I ended strong with 167 mins for the week!  I needed my average for the 8 weeks to be 150 and I was at 147 because of the 2 weeks I didn't make it to the 150 min mark.  So I'm hoping the extra time will bring it up.

Anyway, this week started off like all others.  Monday was the day I took off.  Today after I got through working Taylor and I did 30 mins of Walk It Out!  I swear to you I sweat more with that game then I do walking around the track in the hot sun.  Thank goodness we had fans blowing on us.  Then we tried to do a little that was funny.  I couldn't keep up and then we'd go to do a move and I'd end up hitting Taylor.  Our living room is not made for 2 people to Zumba

Well this week is pre-drive week at work so I'm going to be busy busy busy.  I've got to remember to stop and walk at least once a day.  I know it's going to be hard but I HAVE to get my 150 mins minimum in a week.  But with the kids out of school and Taylor staying up like I do at night at least I'll her to "Walk It Out" with me!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day ? - 5/23/13

Ok, so I haven't been keeping up with the blog like I should This is week 8 and the final week of wearing the accelerometer.    Today I went to have my exit DEXA scan.  It's funny how after walking for 8 weeks even a simple scan was much easier to do.  In the next couple of weeks we'll be getting back our results from those scans.  It's going to be interesting to see before and after scans.  I do feel like I let myself down a little though, I didn't lose as much weight as I wanted to.  BUT I do feel so much better and I plan to keep walking!  I can also use the stationary bike in the other room.  I couldn't use the time I spent on it toward my 150 mins so I didn't use it much.  Now I'm just shooting for 150+ mins of any exercise, anything to get my heart rate up and the fluid in the joints!

Anyway here is last weeks sheet it has the times on it.
If you notice I got in 164 mins last week.  This week so far I have 76.  I know I'm awful about waiting until the weekend to get in the majority of the walking, I should try to spread it out more but oh well, it doesn't matter when as long as I get it all in.

Ok, I think that's about it for the night, I'm going to go watch some Netflix and call it a night.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It's been a rough...

...2 weeks!  Last week I wasn't feeling the best, or maybe it was the week before that, can't remember.  I think it was the week before that.  Then I got to feeling better and then did something to my back.  My chair broke so I think the new chair was the reason I was having an issue.  Well still am  having an issue.  Anyway I'm going to try and catch up later, just wanted to post something.