Thursday, April 4, 2013

Joining the PACE Project!

The other day I get an email from the University of GA about a "Walking Intervention".  This is what the email had to say about the study...

"As you may have heard, overweight and obesity rates are increasing exponentially. This project will look at physical activity and nutrition behaviors among women between the ages of 25 and 45, and how these factors relate to body composition, quality of life, stress, fatigue, depression, self-esteem, and body image. This information will be used to develop programs and interventions aimed at helping adults learn more about weight management and its effects on their lives.....

You also will participate in a moderate intensity walking program with other women for an 8-week period. You will be encouraged to attend 3-5 sessions per week for a total of 150-250 min/week of moderate intensity activity – the amount currently recommended for maintaining a weight and preventing weight gain."

immediately got excited!  This is just the push I need to get back into shape and take a few pounds off.  So I signed up with my fingers crossed that I would actually qualify for the study!  A couple of days later I got the confirmation email that I was accepted!  

For the study I went to the school so they could do a few tests.  When he asked me to step on the scale I cringed!  I have been eating nothing but candy and drinking Pepsi since the first of the year and knew I was FAT!  When he told me how much it was I just wanted to crawl under a rock...I can't believe I'm as fat as I am...but working at home and not getting any exercise and  eating the way I do I wasn't too shocked.  The worst part of the testing was getting on the treadmill.  I couldn't even make it a total of 5 mins walking at different speeds.  (Granted on the highest speed I did get a little freaked out because they had me hooked up to a contraption to monitor my breathing and I thought I was going to fall off the end.) So we stopped the test early.  I didn't like that contraption they had me hooked too, I couldn't look down and it dried out my mouth and throat and had me coughing for a good 20 mins afterwards.  Before I did the test on the treadmill they did a full body scan.  I had to lay there and be still while the machine scanned my body.  I was so uncomfortable.  I had to hold my arms to my sides and all they wanted to do was flop off the table.  But I made it through it.  I then had to wait!  Oh I also have to wear this monitor for the times I'm awake, it keeps track of my activity for the day.  

The waiting to start walking was a few weeks.  Last week they did a baseline.  I was to do everything I normally did in order for them to see where I started from.  I was ready to start walking last week, but I didn'  

This week started the first week of walking.  I'm so sore but I love the fact that I'm up and moving!  

Here are a few pictures I took last week...they are going to be my "Before" pictures, and I hope to have some much better "After" pictures!

I have clothes on because I don't want to submit anyone to the  

So Monday we started walking, I didn't think to start posting on the blog until tonight.  I have a sheet to fill out everyday for a record of what walking I'm doing and when I'm wearing the device, but it doesn't keep up with what I eat.  So I'm going to use this blog to post that everyday.  (Or at least I hope) This will keep me accountable to myself.  It will also help me see what I've been doing and what I need to change.  One thing I'm working on is cutting out the candy, sweets, and Pepsi.  I've also been drinking a lot more water then I was before.  I can tell a difference in that too.  I do have to have at least 1 Pepsi a day  Can't go cold turkey.  

Since the first three days are over with I'm going to start tomorrow with keeping up with what I eat.  This week it's going to be stuff that I probably shouldn't, but David had gone to the store before I had a chance to tell him what I wanted.  Right now though, I want a big old salad with grilled chicken!!!

That's all for's time for bed!

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